Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Crocheting like crazy!

I learnt to crochet many moons ago as a child but that was all I did, just learnt how to do it. Then in my mid-twenties I fancied it again when the surge of kitch and retro inspired blankets hit the shops and made stores like Cath Kidston. I was smitten. So, I embarked on my own blanket... that never quite made it into a blanket... or anything... I still have the squares in a bag... somewhere... Ok, so I'm not painting a great picture of my crochet skills and motivation this far.

However, something inside me has now clicked and I am loving the crochet! I had to re-teach myself and it took me a few attempts to produce something worthy of display but I got there and I love it! My first project was earlier this year and this was the crocheted hot water bottle cover:


I was then fired up for more crochet and a good friend of mine was expecting a baby so out came the hook and off I went. Result? A crocheted baby blanket :) I loved doing this. I used Sirdar Snuggly 4-ply in green and lemon with a 2.5mm hook (this was the only one I owned at the time):

baby blanket3 baby blanket4

By then I was an official crochet addict so I was looking for projects! My next project was a hot water bottle cover ready for the colder nights which are now upon us. This wrked up really quickly and in two short evenings of crochet, it was complete. I used Sirdar Calico DK in muslin, linen and pink with a 4mm hook:


To my delight another friend announced they were expecting, this meant more crochet! :) I am a nightmare for wanting to try new things. I had done a stripy blanket and now I wanted to try something else. I came across a pattern online (I am afraid I have forgotten where) for a simple sqauare with holes in the diagonals. I mocked up a plan in my head of how big I would have these squares and how I would do the edging. I was away :) The only stumbling point was which colours to choose?? I had a choice of four: white, cream (but very yellowy), green and fawn. Oh the deliberations! My partner was subjected to many conversations of 'what do you think about these two?' 'or these two?' 'or these two?'... Here were the colour choices:


Interestingly, I would choose the cream and fawn from this picture, but the cream really is very yellowy in real life and that whole warm and cold colour mix just looked wrong to me. In the end I went for a simple fawn and white and I am really pleased with how it turned out. I went for a simple double crochet/treble crochet/double crochet edging which I think looks simple and smart. I used Sirdar Calico DK in linen and cotton white with a 4mm hook:

baby blanket2 baby blanket1

Using the same Sirdar Calico yarn (but in pink) with the same 4mm hook I crocheted a premature baby jacket for a friend's granddaughter who was born too soon. This will be winging it's way to her very soon :) I managed this in two short evenings too. I do enjoy these quick projects :)

prem jacket

Could I stop there? I think not. I was still on a roll with the crochet. My next completed project was a (dare I say it in October?!) Christmas stocking. Hopefully to redeem myself from my premature excitement of all things festive, you will appreciate the cute factor in this reveal :) I used some cheap (no longer labelled) acrylic yarn that has been in my stash for over five years with a 5mm hook (oh yes, I have lots of hooks now!!):

christmas stocking

So, what's on the hook now? A couple of things... firstly, I am crocheting a blanket for us to keep. I found an awesome pattern over at Lucy's from Attic24 and I was smitten at first glance! Hexagons! Oh how to satisfy a craft loving maths teacher, crocheted symmetry and tessalation, full of mathsy goodness :) My other half is a mathsy-sciencey type so he loves it too. Excellent! I took myself off to the LYS which is in Wells and bought some really lovely yarn and haven't looked back since :) I am using Wendy Norse Chunky in porpoise, eider, fjord, bergen and aurora:

hexagon blanket

So you may have noticed this is only a four colour hexagon, and you'd be right. The five colours I have chosen lend themselves to creating 120 different colour combinations of hexagons! Bring it on. Yes, ok, in true maths teacher fashion, I already have a spreadsheet for the colour combinations... ok, yes I do also have a diagram in publisher of what that looks like visually too... If anyone wants copies of these let me know in a comment and I'll email these on to you.

So the question is, after all of that am I still really loving crochet? Oh yes! In fact I love it so much I am wondering what else I can crochet already :) If you've always mainly been a knitter and not ever really given crochet a go, my recommendation is try it, I did and I haven't picked up my knitting needles in months! I know I will again but for now I definitely have the crochet bug :)

Until next time,


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